Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beijing 2008 Olympic Stamp, One World One Dream

Somehow the line at the postal station inside Beijing's
Olympic Park was not long at here I am folks!
(Have to say, while waiting in Olympic lines I have
totally enjoyed chatting and meeting fabulous folks.)

Ahhh presentation! This is the cover design that was
protecting the above stamps. Clever aye?
 And so goes life where FORM should follow FUNCTION!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sydney 2000 Paralympic Stamps

Just mention Paralympics to those who stay and cheer these super athletes on
and most will "talk story" with happy and heartfelt  tears in their eyes.
Bravo to them all and bravo to the designer of these stamps!

Sydney 2000, Olympic Stamp

This Olympic stamp captures the magic of 
movementof the Olympic Flame and the Olympic Flag.
Always manages to magically move...all of us Olympic regulars!