Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Travel Ban Hinders Hopes for Los Angeles 2024

PyeongChang 2018, Tokyo 2020, Beijing 2022 and...Los Angeles 2024?

No doubt Trump's Travel Ban has caused great concern this week for one of the candidate cities for 2024 Olympics, Los Angeles. The International Olympic Committee does not comment on the politics of sovereign countries, however I believe there is a possibility, because of the travel ban, that LA could possibly be removed from the list of candidates.

I think of Korea in 2018 and am reminded of the "World Harmony" theme of 1988. What fun co-ambassadors will bring to us all in Tokyo 2020 with Anime favorites Naruto, Luffy, Shin Chan, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, and Astroboy. No doubt in 2022 Beijing will delight us all with another awesome opening ceremony with a theme similar to 2008, "One World, One Dream". But with a travel ban no dreaming for our Californians am afraid to say, no LA 2024. 

California...beautiful California...where Walt Disney and many others have "opened their golden gates" and helped to make many peaceful happy dreams come true for people all over the world.