Stephen Colbert was a great part of the rally yesterday with Jon Stewart in Washington D.C.
Watching Colbert reminded me of another well attended event this past February. Colbert’s “polite” appearance at the Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Many members, over four thousand, of the Colbert Nation chuckled as Colbert made his appearance in red white and blue at Creekside Park near BC Place. He kept the crowd laughing. He fired off many of his one-liners like, “It doesn’t matter whether you are Canadian, Indian or Asian, what unites us is you’re not american!” in a tone of voice that only Colbert could pull off! He is fun; this Canuck basher who is a star of Comedy Central, this NJ Sunday School teacher who is able to bring big smiles across many miles and laugh at himself...
this 46 year old dude who, along with Jon Stewart, even helps to UNITE parties.