Wednesday, September 30, 2020

100th Anniversary Olympics

What a whirlwind...constant activities during the Atlanta games. Pictured: My IBC Team, my daughter Marion also worked during the games and helped me in the IBC and is pictured on the field after ceremonies with cast, hanging banners in the Georgia Dome/Broadcasting Center/IBC, Eleanor Weems (former pilot during WWII) and her daughter Francis made a visit, Chris Wimberg, cousin, is at Track and Field next to former President Carson, there's Ralph Salazar great boss, Maureen Smith who rented her basement to us is with Marion, ( her home was only 5 or 10 minutes from the Olympic Village before the games, but then, when games began transportation changed in Atlanta, it became one hour! Transportation in Atlanta, for many, a huge drawback ) Cocacola part of the games for many, the head of the Olympic Museum which was inside the IBC, and last but not least there's the pin trading tent with Mike Miller! Another visual that gives me butterflies!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Olympic Mascots

 Such Cleverly Designed Olympic Mascots with Such Clever Names!

Monday, August 31, 2020

We All Celebrated at the Salt Lake 2002 Games

Such festive gatherings with my friend Shirley, Art, my daughter Marion (who turned 21 during the games) and my son Don. Shirley and I drove over to Utah from California. We met up with Shirley's good friend Art, who was once head of European Broadcasters and was working in the IBC during the Olympics. Don traded Olympics license plates and worked the food consessions.  During that year Marion was an undergrad at Saddleback University and was assistant manager at The Ritz Starbucks Coffee Shop close to our home. The Starbucks in Salt Lake City needed plenty of experienced workers so she was able to work during the games. The Swiss House was one of our favorite meeting places. The group shot on the bottom with all of us was taken during part of the Park City excitement!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Global Pandemic: Time to Search Olympic Stories of the Past

During this Global Pandemic I have taken on new projects during the Zoom-boom. Enjoyed a few family zooms and one was a family collaboration. We produced a short puppet show To celebrate my sister's fiftieth anniversary. Our family is spread out globally so the puppets from Wellington, Raglan and Auckland NZ joined the puppets here in USA from NJ, HI, WA and CA. 

One of the classes "I Can't Breathe" was held during the summer protests following the tragedy of George Floyd. An incredible group from Chestnut Hill College on the outskirts of Philadelphia PA opened more minds and more hearts in a mission that has been ongoing not only since Mexico Olympic 1968 but has been going on for centuries. The President of the college, Sister Carol Jean Vale knew that a class like this was needed in a timely manner and dialogue was necessary for those who could not join the protesters of BLM. 

Another class, an autobiography class, also this past Summer, has inspired me to get back into my Olympic Stories. 

So from some photos, some journals and some of my scraps that tell stories, I am back into random blogging.