Crowded events keep many people away. Occasionally they even keep me away.
Many years ago in between living in Asia and Brazil, I was home in the USA helping my dad and mom in our family business. 1969 was the busiest year my dad ever had. When the inauguration day arrived that "excitement inner clock" of mine went off at 4:00, 4:00 AM. This time the thought of a crowded event did not keep me away. Quite like the Olympic crowd!
My parents were sleeping and although I wanted to wake them and ask them if they wanted to drive to Washington DC, I knew they were exhausted and opted to write them a note that went something like this: "Mom and Dad, I happened to wake up very early and have decided to drive to DC to join in on the historical inauguration event. I will phone you later."
I arrived in DC and found a great parking space close to where the parade was forming. Soon after I exited my car, dressed neatly in one of my spiffy hand tailored Hong Kong suits I walked by a few of the floats that were ready to roll. The driver of the Florida float chatted with me and explained that the girl that was to ride with him could not make it.
Yup, you guessed what he asked me next..."Would you like to ride in the parade?"
Naturally I answered YES! And soon found myself waving to thousands.
It is such a fun world...and THAT was SUCH a fun day!