Saturday, January 31, 2015

Olympic Torch Post Cards, 1984

The Olympic Torch, everyone's favorite!

Olympic Post Cards, First Day of Issue 1983, Los Angeles 1984

I read about upcoming First Day Issue post cards in a 
small article in the newspaper during July of 1983.

During the former three Olympic Games, Mexico 68, Munich 72 and
Montreal 76, I was single, the world was my home. My son was born
while we were living in Laguna Beach in 1979 so Korea was
impossible for me to attend. My daughter was born in1981.
Loved my babies but oh how I missed the exciting games.
Then  alleluia, the Olympics me in 1984!

These post cards were issued and distributed at the Long Beach
Post Office in 1983. prior to the 1984 games. All three of us made had
an adventurous day driving to Long Beach to purchase some.
They remain my favorite. Great for trading.

Love sailing, love this design!