During London’s 2012 Olympics I sat in The Swan Pub with a group of Brits who were predicting the future and breaking away from the EU. “Some day” they said, “Some day!”
While they chatted with me, I remember thinking about Taiwan. During my Summer in Taipei in 1967 so many of the people used the same phase, “Some day”, “Some day”. The people who had to leave mainland China had been dreaming and planning on returning and leading that country. “Some day” “Some day”.
Today’s big news that 52% of the people voted to leave the European Union rattled the world. It continues to rattle.
These unchartered waters are sad, so sad, for many, and very happy for others, including a few of my buddies from one of the oldest pubs in England, where democracy began!!
Their day has come. Their “Some day”, “Some day” is..........TODAY!