Tuesday, February 7, 2017

USA Wrestling Team WILL Head for Iran

The ban has been lifted for the USA Wrestling Team and visas will be granted by Iran. At this time, the wrestling team and wrestling delegation will be allowed by the government to head to Kermanshah, Iran to compete in the World Cup. The Freestyle World Cup is scheduled for this month, February 2017. This brings back hope to wrestlers wishing to possibly compete in the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Iran Reacts to Trump's Travel Ban

There were concerns about incoming athletes coming to the USA from the seven banned countries. Now, as it stands, athletes coming to the USA to compete will become an exception to the rule.

However, in the meantime, the government of Iran has issued a statement in retaliation. It will not allow USA athletes to enter Iran. The wrestling athletes were due to depart for Iran next week.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Olympic Movement Builds Bridges Not Walls

The Executive Order/Travel Ban will not affect all athletes coming to USA thanks to the United States Olympic Committee and the World Olympian Association. The USOC and WOA have worked these last few days to help pave a clear path for athletes to enter and compete in the USA even though initially they were banned.

Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles sounds more committed than ever to host and bring the games back to L.A. The present executive order to ban travel for ninety days he says “unfairly targets refugees”.  No doubt The Refugee Team that competed in Rio de Janeiro, who won the hearts of all, will grow larger.

Once a city becomes an 'Olympic Host City' it morphs into a magical place where the joy of the Opening Ceremony and the spirit of the olympic flame unites the smiles of the world.  A host city becomes a place that brings togetherness peacefully...people from all countries and now

...people without countries. 

The Olympic movement has traditionally built bridges

...not walls.