Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Spirit of Holy Spirit High Lives On

In this fragile world of ours I sometimes wondered where all the good, honest, ethical folks had gone during the months following my summer in Beijing at the 2008 Olympics...greedy hedge fund managers, the huge appetite globally and locally for mortgage backed securities and naughty banks. The charts and grafs looked like the cliffs of Dana Point! I was beginning to wonder about humanity. Then came 2009. The summer of many reunions brought balance into my life.

One of the many things I did last month during my high school reunion at a country club in South Jersey was to stop, step back and just feel the great vibrations from being in a large room filled with good people.

We grew up together. We went to a school where we had to do the best that we could with what we had. We laughed, learned and sweat it out together. We had a good sense of belonging and we learned how to create our own fun. And now so many are joyfully giving back to society!

What an incredibly reassuring feeling it was! Yup, the spirit from Holy Spirit High School does live on.

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