Wednesday, September 30, 2020

100th Anniversary Olympics

What a whirlwind...constant activities during the Atlanta games. Pictured: My IBC Team, my daughter Marion also worked during the games and helped me in the IBC and is pictured on the field after ceremonies with cast, hanging banners in the Georgia Dome/Broadcasting Center/IBC, Eleanor Weems (former pilot during WWII) and her daughter Francis made a visit, Chris Wimberg, cousin, is at Track and Field next to former President Carson, there's Ralph Salazar great boss, Maureen Smith who rented her basement to us is with Marion, ( her home was only 5 or 10 minutes from the Olympic Village before the games, but then, when games began transportation changed in Atlanta, it became one hour! Transportation in Atlanta, for many, a huge drawback ) Cocacola part of the games for many, the head of the Olympic Museum which was inside the IBC, and last but not least there's the pin trading tent with Mike Miller! Another visual that gives me butterflies!!!

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