Yikes, Ten Olympics! (and more)
Carole Wimberg Cadora's Olympic Journal of Beijing Olympics 2008, Athens 2004, Salt Lake City 2002, Sydney 2000, Atlanta 1996, Barcelona 1992, Los Angeles 1984, Montreal 1976, Munich 1972 and Mexico 1968 and...the olympic spirit. Weaving present and past, the blog gives different perspectives, working in broadcasting within the International Broadcasting Center yet includes the great fun of experiencing the games as an outsider with no credentials. (added later: Vancouver 2010, London 2012)
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Olympic Pins, Olympic Memorabilia, Olympic Docs 1972
In Germany during Munich 1972, Mark Spitz autographed two Olympic tickets inside the Olympic Village.
I happened to be walking behind a few dorms where there were only a few people. Three men were standing together in deep quiet conversation. As I walked closer I realized Mark Spitz was on the other side of them. As I congratulated him the men did not discourage me. So I chatted a bit longer with Mark about the games. I believe one of the men looked like his coach. They might have been thinking...let him enjoy and let her chat. It might be one of the last conversations he has in Germany. Why? Because the Olympic Village was in shock that day. The air felt sad and heavy because the Israeli massacre had occurred in the Israeli dorm the night before. Such sadness. What timing. My meeting Mark was right after he broke many swimming records and won his seventh gold medal, more than anyone else. I learned later that he would miss much of the glory of an Olympic Champion because, within minutes of our meeting he was to return home to the USA as soon as possible. Those Olympic tickets are tickets that tell stories. They were signed right after two famous events, one tragic and one glorious, and right before a Seven Gold Medal Champion was whisked away.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Olympic Pins, Olympic Memorabilia, Olympic Docs 1968
During the month before the Mexico 1968 Olympics, Bert Quint of CBS News hired me. At that time he was head of Latin America Bureau. He knew his office would become busy. The timing was good for me and as he said, your resume will look even better after you have experience working at the Olympics. Although I had no time to even learn about pin trading I did receive a few as gifts, mostly thank you gifts. The items that are gifts are somehow more precious. When I left Mexico I had several items, some autographed, some not. Items like a musical rattle made from a gourd, a huge Prensa sign, a few pins, a basketball signed by many, some of the official printed results from our news room, other news releases and a few artifacts. One plak was made of knitting wool carefully applied to a 10" x 10" piece of wood in the shape of 1968. It is an ancient craft in Mexico. Amazingly, it was that craftsmanship that was the inspiration of the famous Mexico 1968 Olympic Logos!
One of memory was the excitement (that still gives me a charge)of hearing Walter Cronkite on the phone!
(Hmm, wondering now...if news will ever become objective again.)
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Sparking Olympic Flame Within
Now that France is brewing up excitement that the world is coming together for Olympics 2024, the small flame within this pacifist is beginning to glow brighter! (will start posting again soon : )
Yet again, many of us Olympic peeps still yearn still hope still pray for peace in the world...
May the hungry be fed,
and the well-fed...hunger for justice.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Queen Elizabeth at the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony
Today a new era, Queen Elizabeth has passed. Seventy years of dedicated service to the people of the United Kingdom! How elegant, gracious and wise she was! Gave all a delightful surprise as she entered the stadium via helicopter with James Bond at the 2012 Olympic Games. She was the shining star of the Opening Ceremony.
Hope they name a star after her.
In 1964 I flew BOAC via the UK on my way to a year of study, travel and work in Florence Italy. The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth's mother, was on the same plane. There was one or perhaps two escort planes. I sent up a small bouquet of flowers (that I purchased in the airport) via the stewardess who knew the custom well. From then on when I would see many bouquets of flowers for many many years that were offered to the the royal family. Each time chuckled as I thought of those flowers and my first trans Atlantic flight.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
The International Society of Olympic Historians
Have not been adding posts to this blog during the global Pandemic but have been reading with great interest and appreciation THE JOURNAL OF OLYMPIC HISTORY.
This fine journal has been published by The International Society of Olympic Historians and now will be available for many more to enjoy...digitally!
Want to express great appreciation for all who have worked, all who have written, and all who carefully managed to post these journals to me for so many years! I have a complete collection since I became a member. If you are interested please contact me. usa 1-949-374-1935
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
100th Anniversary Olympics
What a whirlwind...constant activities during the Atlanta games. Pictured: My IBC Team, my daughter Marion also worked during the games and helped me in the IBC and is pictured on the field after ceremonies with cast, hanging banners in the Georgia Dome/Broadcasting Center/IBC, Eleanor Weems (former pilot during WWII) and her daughter Francis made a visit, Chris Wimberg, cousin, is at Track and Field next to former President Carson, there's Ralph Salazar great boss, Maureen Smith who rented her basement to us is with Marion, ( her home was only 5 or 10 minutes from the Olympic Village before the games, but then, when games began transportation changed in Atlanta, it became one hour! Transportation in Atlanta, for many, a huge drawback ) Cocacola part of the games for many, the head of the Olympic Museum which was inside the IBC, and last but not least there's the pin trading tent with Mike Miller! Another visual that gives me butterflies!!!
Monday, September 7, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020
We All Celebrated at the Salt Lake 2002 Games
Such festive gatherings with my friend Shirley, Art, my daughter Marion (who turned 21 during the games) and my son Don. Shirley and I drove over to Utah from California. We met up with Shirley's good friend Art, who was once head of European Broadcasters and was working in the IBC during the Olympics. Don traded Olympics license plates and worked the food consessions. During that year Marion was an undergrad at Saddleback University and was assistant manager at The Ritz Starbucks Coffee Shop close to our home. The Starbucks in Salt Lake City needed plenty of experienced workers so she was able to work during the games. The Swiss House was one of our favorite meeting places. The group shot on the bottom with all of us was taken during part of the Park City excitement!
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Global Pandemic: Time to Search Olympic Stories of the Past
During this Global Pandemic I have taken on new projects during the Zoom-boom. Enjoyed a few family zooms and one was a family collaboration. We produced a short puppet show To celebrate my sister's fiftieth anniversary. Our family is spread out globally so the puppets from Wellington, Raglan and Auckland NZ joined the puppets here in USA from NJ, HI, WA and CA.
One of the classes "I Can't Breathe" was held during the summer protests following the tragedy of George Floyd. An incredible group from Chestnut Hill College on the outskirts of Philadelphia PA opened more minds and more hearts in a mission that has been ongoing not only since Mexico Olympic 1968 but has been going on for centuries. The President of the college, Sister Carol Jean Vale knew that a class like this was needed in a timely manner and dialogue was necessary for those who could not join the protesters of BLM.
Another class, an autobiography class, also this past Summer, has inspired me to get back into my Olympic Stories.
So from some photos, some journals and some of my scraps that tell stories, I am back into random blogging.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Mexico 68, Retro-Futuristic Olympic Design
One of those memories of mine of how it all began...was Japan. Yes, where the Olympic Games will be held next year in 2020. But the last time the Summer games were held was in 1964. I was not living there then but in 1966 I was. While bike riding around Tokyo to my various English teaching jobs in 1966 the olympic excitement or the olympic spirit must have still been floating around.
I lived in a small Japanese home, 4 1/2 tatami mats, in Roppongi. (That building was torn down to make way for a super large building/city in the sky, Roppongi Hills!!) My bike was old but looked quite spiffy. I was stopped and asked if i would sign autographs at least half a dozen times. The first time it happened i was totally confused. Then with every request, was a bow with the word or words "Olympic" or "You, Olympic lady". Dang the Olympic fever must have spread all over the place and and stayed around for a few years. The Olympics were held there, in Tokyo, in 1964. And in 1966 there were so few foreigners they assumed that i was an athlete. But as i started to say, those folks that stopped me so pleasantly made me think often about the Olympic Games. I also thought about my mom's dear friend, Eleanor Weems who said to me during the Summer of 1960 when my sister Lois and I lived with her family in Long Beach CA to attend LBSC...
"Carole, I hope some day you are able to go to the Olympics...some day."
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Mexico Olympics 1968, It's Been Fifty Years!
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
"Olympin" Collectors, Long Beach California
Drove to Long Beach for the Annual Coin Collector's Show, September 6, 2018. Olympin members were well represented. Silent auction at the reception that followed was a hit! Great job everyone and thanks for making sure I made it there Pam Litz!
Loved seeing familiar faces. Although it was a quick visit for me, had a few good chuckles when I saw Randy Parsons who I crossed paths with at many Olympic Games. I suppose the most incredible time was bumping into him moments before I entered Beijing's Opening Ceremony.
Long story but attending Beijing's Opening Ceremony is one of the reasons that I needed to write this. My first entries to this blog, which were written while I was in Beijing during 2008, give details.
I'll go back and read some of my early posts now...just to double...the enjoyment of games!
Friday, August 31, 2018
Long Beach Olympic Pin Show Next Week
Am on the West Coast again, in time to hopefully make it to the Long Beach Convention Center next week for the Olympin Show. Might just go and enjoy some of those fun loving PIN TRADERS! Top photo is in one of the oldest pubs in London, the Swan Pub, where some of my best trades were made during the 2012 games.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
The Olympics, Yet Again, a Catalyst for Peace in the World
just in case he talks like that...
I beg your pardon.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
New Year 2018 Message from North Korea
Sunday, December 31, 2017
An Olympic Pin Wishing You "Happy New Year"!
I was given several pins then started collecting pins. Never collected seriously, simply added to my collection if a pin was interesting, had a good message or was designed well.
There are many pins out there, even official pins, that didn't catch my eye. But this is an example of one pin in my "preferred box" collection from 2002 that is interesting, well designed and has a message. No doubt most folks who were preparing for the games for so many years were delighted to finally move into the year of the games.
Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 with a photo of a 2002 pin from my collection!
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Happy New Year Olympic Pin Salt Lake, January 1, 2002 It is interesting, well designed and tells a story! |
Happy New Year 2018...Long Live The Olympic Games
Perhaps because I lived in so many different countries my desire for peace in the world is also...ongoing.
When you love so many countries and their culture, their music, their people...The Olympics, a conduit of Peace in the whole world, sustains your confidence in humanity and for me and many other Olympic friends, quite simply, the Olympic movement gives us a sense of balance.
Tonight, new year celebrations from Sydney's famous bridge, New York's Times Square, Paris's Eiffle Tower to Dubai's Light Show...the world celebrated beautifully. When all the energy comes together at the ceremonies of the Olympic Games, my heart soars!
Long Live the Olympic Games.
Happy New Year.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Announcement Today Firming Up the Future Olympic Cities
"Land to build the Olympic Park won't be available later. 2024 or not at all"
Los Angeles will become the Olympic City in 2028. This is magnificent!!
"Stadiums already to go, plenty of time to plan, transportation will be great"
We knew beforehand but today the announcement came from IOC.
It is firm. Alleluia!
Time for me to get creative. Will gather my art supplies!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Visual Olympics
- c wimberg cadora
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Paris 2024, Los Angeles 2028...Opa!
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
USA Wrestling Team WILL Head for Iran
Friday, February 3, 2017
Iran Reacts to Trump's Travel Ban
However, in the meantime, the government of Iran has issued a statement in retaliation. It will not allow USA athletes to enter Iran. The wrestling athletes were due to depart for Iran next week.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Olympic Movement Builds Bridges Not Walls
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Travel Ban Hinders Hopes for Los Angeles 2024
PyeongChang 2018, Tokyo 2020, Beijing 2022 and...Los Angeles 2024?
No doubt Trump's Travel Ban has caused great concern this week for one of the candidate cities for 2024 Olympics, Los Angeles. The International Olympic Committee does not comment on the politics of sovereign countries, however I believe there is a possibility, because of the travel ban, that LA could possibly be removed from the list of candidates.
I think of Korea in 2018 and am reminded of the "World Harmony" theme of 1988. What fun co-ambassadors will bring to us all in Tokyo 2020 with Anime favorites Naruto, Luffy, Shin Chan, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, and Astroboy. No doubt in 2022 Beijing will delight us all with another awesome opening ceremony with a theme similar to 2008, "One World, One Dream". But with a travel ban no dreaming for our Californians am afraid to say, no LA 2024.
California...beautiful California...where Walt Disney and many others have "opened their golden gates" and helped to make many peaceful happy dreams come true for people all over the world.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
"Gold Zone" Awesome Olympic Highlights
Thursday, August 4, 2016
The Day Before Rio's Opening Ceremony 2016, My Prediction
I believe that
the highlight
of these
Olympic games
will be
of the people of Brazil.