Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Graf Residence on Wilhelmstrasse

I realized at the Mexico City Olympics that the excitement of the games was not only the excitement of sports. A warm wonderful blanket covers every host city and magical events unfold. There I was, walking up a wide well built "magical" wooden staircIase which led to a very large beautiful home. It was the home of Elizabeth Graf who soon, for me, became MaMa Graf. I say magical steps because every time I went up those steps another olympic adventure awaited me. MaMa Graf's home became an international house. There were guests from different countries; Chile, Taiwan, Japan, China and the USA. We would take Mama to the games which she loved. She also loved having tea and chatting. She had visitors and would want me to meet them. There was one very old interesting man from the forest who sort of sang his words when he spoke and he was incredibly great at, (my favorite), yodling! I think of that very interesting old man often and made an audio tape of him. Years later, although I could understand almost nothing, it was so relaxing to play, just to listen to his sounds, his poetry, his nature.

More than thirty years later a very interesting letter arrived at my school in Capistrano. The post mark was Germany. Hmmm.

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